Video Blog Introduction

image1Note: this is an ongoing VIDEO Journal | Blog.  I am constantly adding to, and changing this web site along with the other web sites listed in the right sidebar.  Keep checking back for new videos, added text, articles, and additional resources.   Here is a sample of the video quality.

homeRecently I was checking to make sure all the videos were working. I watched the video "Home" again and I have to say, if you don't watch any other video please watch this one. It is so beautiful and so well made. It is one of the video that got me started on this quest.

Note: To watch the FULL movie you have to watch it at YouTube [1:33:18].

Note: if you are looking for a lot of entertaining videos, i.e. TRUtv, National Geographic, UFO Channel, BBC, PBS, History Channel, Nature, Earth Focus, Our Universe, Aircraft Disasters, Seconds from Disaster, Carl Sagan, Around the World in 80 Days, Monty Python Flying Circus, Penn Teller, etc.  please look on the TV Channel (menu) on .

Several weeks ago I started to search for videos on concerning 2012 and all the hype about the Mayan calendar. The more videos I watched, the more I realize how little I knew.  I also realized that there are a lot of good videos on that I didn't know existed and I suspect a lot of other good people don't either. 

alienI started to add some of the videos to my blog hoping to get the word out. But it quickly became apparent my blog wasn't going to handle all the videos that I wanted to put on it.  So I started a separate web site called I tried to organize the topics of the videos so people could watch as much or as little on any one topic and quickly move on to the next topic.  As I assembled the web site I ran across more and more good videos and decided to create a second site called has a lot of good videos on it and I hope to add many more steering it towards Social Economic topics. 

In the process of expanding I noticed I was leaving behind all the technical  videos that I found.  So much so, I decided to spin off yet another web site on just high tech, metaphysical, UFOs and extraterrestrials topics.  You can find this new site at:  .

I should probably explain the domain name. While I was working on finding UFO, Area51, Area S4, extraterrestrial videos, I kept running across Lockheed Martin's SkunkWorks. For a Joke I decided to see if was available for a domain name. To my amazement it was. I decided to buy the domain and use the name for this site. I am using the name as meaning "spirited", "a lot of energy".

Dictionary definition –noun
1. pluck; spirit; mettle.
2. touchwood, tinder, or punk.

These videos have a lot of good and valuable information, and the people involved in making them should get the recognition that they deserve.

I am trying to be as impartial as I can be only presenting good quality videos with good information.

Notice: I noticed that some of the videos don't necessarily start up right away, or sometimes the longer videos  can jump back to the beginning. If this happens to you just click on the progress bar a little further along, or where you want to start up from, and hit the play button again.

Most videos are accompanied by the date and length: (MM/DD/YY) [hh:mm:ss]

Thanks for your understanding.

Notice: If you don't find the video you want by browsing, try the Site Map, or better yet try the Search box. Use non-plural words that best describes what you want to find, i.e. you want to find videos on crystal skulls or Skull & Bones.  Type "crystal" or "skull" or "bone"  (without the quote marks) into the Search box. See what you find.  You might be surprised.

02.10.2011. 07:16

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I'm semi-retired, i.e. forced unemployment, and have a modest standard of living.  So I plan to give all extra donation, beyond my immediate needs, to several of my favorite charities.


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